Southern Tier, Post 18

Day 20, Post 18: Another extraordinary day of cycling. Went from Marfa to Marathon, continuing through a vast desert with endless vistas of mountains, buttes and large, odd volcanic rock formations. We woke up to subzero desert temperatures and felt 80+ degree heat in the afternoon. The sun is down now, and darkness is descending. It will be very dark tonight, and the star gazing should be astonishing. The moon was full last night, which adds to the evening magic.

I have dropped out of the news cycle some, but everywhere I notice a microwave I wonder if we are being monitored by KellyAnn Conway.

Still traveling with the three fellow Southern Tier riders I met in Las Cruces. Today we met a Norwegian guy who might well join our pack. In time we will all go our separate ways, no doubt. But right now we are all getting along well, making the adventure that much more fun.

Check out my road cycling activity on Garmin Connect.


Pic 1, Alpine's spoof of Marfa's Art exhibit - a Prada display in the high desert


Pic 2, the approach to Marathon - it's in the distance


​Pic 3, Bike camp and my humble abode for the night


​Pic 4, the amazing desert

More to come,


Southern Tier, Post 19

Southern Tier, Post 17