Southern Tier, Post 23

Day 25, Post 23: I looked for Drive Ins as I cycled out of Brackettville this morning. I didn't see any, but I saw a few hardware stores. They sold brackets.

It was a mild day of cycling almost to Campwood, TX, where my cycling friend Mike and I found the infamous county campground called Wes Cooksey Park on the Nieces river.

It doesn't get light here until about 7:30 am, so packing up at 6:30 am in the dark (and short sleeve weather) is fun and unusual. And the sun is setting at 8-ish, which is very pleasant. But oddly, the past three mornings have had serious cloud cover that lasts well into the afternoon, and then it gets sunny and blissfully warm. Here, on the edge of the hill country I'm looking at the river and basking in the most pleasant, just right, breeze. Under the bridge not too far from me kids are shooting inner tubes down small rapids on the river. This country is like a mixture of West Texas desert country, the White Mountains, and the Ozark's. Earlier today I was thinking that had I grown up here I would be fiercely loyal to this beautiful hardscrabble countryside - I just don't think one could help it.

Tomorrow we begin cycling in serious hill country. A store owner told me it's more beautiful than here. Well, I thought, bring it on! The next big town is Fredericksburg, and then Austin after that. I hope to be in Austin by next weekend at the latest.

Check out my road cycling activity on Garmin Connect.


Pic 1, The entrance to the county run RV park where I am staying tonight.


​Pic 2, The elevation profile for our ride tomorrow. Each horizontal line marks 500 feet of ascent.


Pic 3, My abode for tonight.


Pic 4, A view of the river taken near our picnic table.

More to come,


Southern Tier, Post 24

Southern Tier, Post 22