Southern Tier, Post 15

Day 17, Post 16: Something about Texas. We made it another 72 or so miles to Van Horn, tracing deeper southeast and the direct on the Rio Grande, and then direct east. We're definitely in the south now. These towns feel far away - there's lots of space between them, and lots of interesting land. For some of the day I could see across the Rio Grande valley into the mountains of Mexico. The sense of space is awe inspiring and I know this is only the beginning. Last summer - to my surprise- I really enjoyed crossing lonely and sparse Nevada on a bike. Maybe I'll feel similarly about Texas. Time will tell. But I can tell you that so far I like the laid back towns, the easiness of the people and there sense of humor - at least in public contexts. The proprietor of the Sunset RV Park in Van Horn wouldn't accept change when I tried to give him nickels and dimes for quarters for the washing machine. He thought having more change would be ridiculous. The waitress in the nearby "steak and bar" restaurant told me I had I have a beautiful smile (I think she's flirting, which is certainly a pleasure after a long day of bike riding ....doesn't help I have a few beers in me). In any case, so far my impressions are positive, which doesn't fit my stereotype, to be honest. Not at all.

Check out my road cycling activity on Garmin Connect.

I'm sending some pics that I think reveal a bit of the landscape.


Pic 1, Mexico across the Rio Grande and sunset in Van Horn, TX


Pic 2, A typical wash marker for feet flooded when it rains, the Talc factory west of Van Horn and more mountains to the south in Texas.

Im loving having friends to travel with, and I also enjoy getting some solitude biking during the day. Life is sweet.

More to come,


Southern Tier, Post 16

Southern Tier, Post 14